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Plot3D[f, {x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}]

generates a three-dimensional plot of f as a function of x and y.

or of a list of function

Plot3D[{f1, f2, ...}, {x,xmin,xmax},{y,ymin,ymax}]


Plot functions with branch cuts

Plot3D[Im[ArcSin[(x + I y)^4]], {x, -2, 2}, {y, -2, 2}, 
Mesh -> None,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Yellow, Opacity[0.8]],
ExclusionsStyle -> {None, Red}

Other examples

NDSolve[{D[u[t, x], t] == D[u[t, x], x, x], u[0, x] == 0, u[t, 0] == Sin[t], u[t, 5] == 0}, u, {t, 0, 10}, {x, 0, 5}]; 

Plot3D[Evaluate[u[t, x] /. %], {t, 0, 10}, {x, 0, 5}, PlotRange -> All, ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors"]